Getting Ready for Hip Replacement Surgery
Written by: Priscella Grant, Chief Happiness Officer of Nurse Next Door Alpharetta
Many seniors have hip replacement surgery to repair damage from a variety of conditions, such as arthritis or fractures from a fall. The surgery is usually a planned surgery, giving seniors and their family caregivers time to prepare for it. Being ready for the surgery, hospital stay and recovery period can make the whole process easier and less stressful for your aging loved one. Below are some tips to help you prepare.
Educate Yourself About the Surgery
Learn as much as you can about the surgery your loved one is having. Also, there are several different kinds of prosthetic joints, so find out what about the kind of joint the senior is getting. Also, ask for detailed information about recovery. Knowing what to expect can help you to better prepare.

Find People to Help
The senior will need someone to be with them round the clock for at least the first week after they are discharged from the hospital. Talk to other family members and friends about taking on caregiver duties for part of that week. Another good option is to hire home care to assist throughout the recovery period. Home care providers can come for several hours right after the surgery and then reduce the number of hours when the senior no longer needs as much care. Home care providers can assist with things like dressing, walking, using the bathroom, and showering. They can also cook meals, clean the house or even perhaps assist with walking the dog!
Pack for the Hospital
Your senior loved one will probably spend between 1 and 4 days in the hospital after surgery. Pack a bag that contains essential toiletries and clothing that is loose and comfortable. University of California San Francisco recommends packing items to prevent boredom, such as a book, magazine, tablet or smartphone, and a deck of cards. If the older adult has a walker already, bring it with them to the hospital as the staff will be getting them up to move around before they go home.
Make Adjustments to the Home
You may need to make some changes around the senior’s house until they have recovered. For example, they will likely use a walker for a while, which means you’ll have to make sure pathways in the house are wide enough. Also, if the senior’s bedroom is upstairs, you may need to set up a sleeping area for them on the main floor. It’s also a good idea to install grab bars in the bathroom to prevent them from falling.
Check out our other article on some tips to fall-proof your home after hip surgery.
Do you know a loved one that might need some post-hospital assistance at home?
Nurse Next Door home care services can help.
Call us toll-free at +1(877) 588-8609, we’re available 24/7.